Ok so in game Graphics menu I set Anti-Aliasing to SMAA and Physx to low (or off if you're on an older machine), turned off Vsync and set everything else maxed out. So play around, four threads on an eight thread CPU could be the perfect setting for you, who knows. In contrast, when I deactivated only one core, the game had 40 FPS but occasional dropped to 18 FPS. For me best performance was found after complete deactivation of one of the 2 CPUs and deactivation of 6 more threads. The fix in the video recommended to deactivate only one thread. Here's a nice explanation:įor me this is 101010101010000000000000 to hexadecimal, as I want one thread per core on my second CPU to be used (1 = use thread, 0 = don't use). The argument of /affinity is in essence a binary representation of the threads to use converted to hexadecimal. Third line: /normal sets the affinity to normal instead of high, /affinity AAA000 sets the used threads to the wanted configuration. Second Line: cd '(path to your installation)'
Start /normal /affinity AAA000 AC4BFSP.exe Cd 'C:\Program Files (x86)\Ubisoft\Assassin's Creed IV Black Flag'